If you’re a real estate investor, you know how valuable a virtual assistant can be to growing your business. However, having the right tools and systems in place is critical to making that partnership efficient and effective. In this video, I walk you through the ultimate tech stack for your real estate investing VA, sharing the tools that have worked best for me, lessons I’ve learned the hard way, and practical tips for setting up a productive workflow. Whether you’re just starting out or scaling your operations, this roadmap will save you time, money, and frustration while helping you build a smarter, simpler business setup.
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The ultimate tech stack for your real estate investing VA. You guys know I believe in the power of leveraging a virtual assistant to help in your real estate investing business and having the right tech stack in place really helps make this as efficient and effective as possible. So today, I’m going to share all my insights, all my lessons learned from years of working with a virtual assistant, and lessons learned the hard way. Things that I didn’t do right, and I’m going to save you all the trouble, show you the tools that I use, which is going to save you a ton of time, energy, and money by just telling you straight what tools you need to use now in your business.
Whether you’re just starting up or you’re scaling your real estate investing operation, this is your roadmap to have a simpler, more productive setup for you and for your VA. So let’s dive into why a tech stack matters and what it really means. A tech stack is the technology, tools, and systems that you use in place to run your business. It’s maybe a project management system, an email system, where you are saving your documents, or what you’re using for your phone. All the technology that you use to support the people in your business—that’s your tech stack.
A lot of times people don’t put much thought into this, and they end up with things really nilly. And I will say I’m the opposite. I’ve learned the hard way to really evaluate carefully before I put something in my tech stack because I have felt the pain of making a wrong choice and having to switch again. Switching tech options is not easy. So that’s where I’d like to come in here and say, guys, if you’re getting started or you’re making a decision on any of these tech tools, let me tell you what’s worked well for me and why so that you don’t have to go through that pain of figuring out all the evaluations, testing out things, starting an account and then canceling it—all of those missteps that I had to do.
So let’s get into what you should use and why. Here are the key tech tools to have success with a virtual assistant in your business. The first essential that I want you to start with is Google Workspace.
And there are several reasons why I’d say when you’re bringing on someone to your business, start with Google Workspace. First, it’s super secure. What I love about Google Workspace is that when you create it, it’s really secure. You set it up, you are the admin, and you can add people to be in your workspace. This is like the equivalent of a computer network that you would have if you worked for a big company, right? If you’ve ever worked for a big company, you know—you get started there, you get a login, you get an email, you get access to the shared network drives, things like that. Google Workspace is that for entrepreneurs.
And so it’s a very affordable, easy way to get a really robust system equivalent to what you would have at a big company. You set up a Google Workspace account where you are the admin, and then you can add users. I think it’s really easy to add users, even for somebody not super tech-savvy like me.
And the great thing about Google Workspace is if you don’t know how to do anything, you Google it. “How do I add a user in Google Workspace?” “How do I shut down a user in Google Workspace?” Things like that. And the answer will be there because it’s a Google product and system.
So what you can do is create a user. Let’s say you bring on a new admin. We’re going to call this new admin Maria.
All right. So you can set up an email, Maria@MyAmazingRealEstateInvestingBusiness.com. Right now, you would have to have that URL separately. You know, you’ve got to have a website, or worst case, you say UltimateREIVAMaria@gmail.com. You can also do something like that because you’re creating that account within your Google Workspace. You’re controlling it.
Then in your system, you’ve got Google Drive, and you’re going to save all of your files in Google Drive. Those are going to be your network drives. Those are going to be where all of your business systems, processes, and resources are saved.
The great thing with Google Workspace is if you and Maria part ways later, it’s really easy in Google Workspace to just shut down Maria, her account, and then she can’t access everything. You don’t need to go through and worry about her being able to access things later because if everything was controlled well within Google Drive, and you were just giving access to Maria, then once you—since you control the email—when you shut that down, you shut down that access. The other nice thing about using Google Workspace and setting up emails that way is that you control those emails, so you can very easily have them forwarded to you or to someone else in your business after you and Maria part ways.
You also have the ability to go in and see them. Same thing—typically, every user has their own personal Google Drive folder within your Google Workspace. And again, if you part ways, you’re able to access everything that they had in there. Nothing is lost or behind a curtain because it’s in your business and it’s in your business’s workspace. So you can access all of those things, which really helps if you and anyone on your team do part ways in the future. You aren’t losing any of that connectivity.
If Maria was waiting on a really important email, you can go change that setting so it’s forwarded to you, everything like that. So Google Workspace is really set apart primarily for me because of its ease of use and its security. Very, very easy to keep everything secure, just as you would with a huge corporation using Google Workspace.
Now, once you have that Google Workspace set up and you’ve got those emails, the next thing is creating a project management system. This is your one place where all of your tasks, projects, and everything is going to be controlled. There are multiple avenues out there. Having started with some other ones, I am now a cheerleader for Monday.com. It is my preference.
And if this video was helpful and you decide to go ahead with Monday.com, use the affiliate link in the description below. Please, I’m not getting anything from making this. So using the affiliate link gives me a little bit of benefit for helping you with this.